Monday, March 30, 2015

NASA to Investigate Magnetic Explosions

It operates anywhere magnetic fields pervade space--which is to say almost everywhere. In the cores of galaxies, magnetic reconnection sparks explosions visible billions of light-years away. On the sun, it causes solar flares as powerful as a million atomic bombs. At Earth, it powers magnetic storms and auroras. It's ubiquitous.
The problem is, researchers can't explain it.
The basics are clear enough. Magnetic lines of force cross, cancel, reconnect and—Bang! Magnetic energy is unleashed, with charged-particles flying off near the speed of light. But how? How does the simple act of crisscrossing magnetic field lines trigger such a ferocious explosion?
"Something very interesting and fundamental is going on that we don't fully understand," says Jim Burch of the Southwest Research Institute.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Want To Improve Your Health 10 Ways More Sex Can Improve Your Health

It probably won't take much convincing to follow this general rule, but you should know it, anyway—the more sex you have, the healthier you'll be. Not only can it help your general mood (thereby reducing stress), but studies show there are tangible ways sex slows down the aging process, fights disease and even heals wounds. Here, a full breakdown of the ways getting it on can save you a trip to the ER.
1. Sex promotes heart health.
A study in the American Journal of Cardiology suggests that men who have sex twice a week have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) than men who have less frequent sex. And this was true even after researchers adjusted for erectile dysfunction. Analyzing the health records of 1,165 men who were monitored for 16 years as part of the Massachusetts Male Aging Study, epidemiologists at the New England Research Institutes found that men who had sexual activity once a month or less were at 50 percent greater risk of cardiovascular disease than the men who had sex more than once a week.

How To Eat For Better Sex

Sexologists, cardiologists, and psychologists agree: how much (and what) you consume has a huge impact on your sexual health:
Oatmeal and Other Whole Grains
Eating oatmeal is one of the few natural ways to boost testosterone in the bloodstream. The male hormone plays a significant role in sex drive and orgasm strength in both men and women. Oats (as well as seeds, ginseng, nuts, dairy, and green vegetables) contain L-arginine, an amino acid that enhances the effect nitric oxide has on reducing blood vessel stiffness. L-arginine has been used to treat erectile dysfunction. Like Viagra, it helps relax muscles around blood vessels in the penis. When they dilate, blood flow increases so a man can maintain an erection. Oatmeal and other whole grains like whole-grain bread, brown rice, and barley also qualify as good-for-the-heart, better-for-the-gut foods. They are slow-burning, complex carbohydrates that won't drive your blood sugar through the roof. They keep you feeling fuller longer and provide excellent energy. Try a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with fresh berries and bananas with a drizzle of honey before your next marathon sex session. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

US Drone Sink Water

Robotic revolution in the midst of war, the situation has changed. Now it is going to be extended to the sea. Showcasing the work of the intelligence satellite Under the Sea widely sea pods can fly from beneath the leaves without human drone aircraft, submarine cable area without human ship will be a raid.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Clean Shave Tips For Man

This means that the sharp blade to shave the cheeks and run! Many of the blades to shave down the cheek, spoke much louder. But that is not the perfect shave. Some of the techniques behind the perfect shave. Recently Razor Builder perfect shave Gillette experts have studied the issue and gave advice.